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B-202542 1 (1981-06-08)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadjkz0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                      LE1.LER I
                        THE COMPTROL        LE     AL/

                  C-N IT SWASHINGTON,      . C. 20548

FILE:     B-202542            DATE:   June 8, 1981

MATTER OF:      K.B.M. Inc.


          GAO will not rule on allegation
          by contractor that Air Force, in
          violation of Assignment of Claims
          Act, 31 U.S.C. § 203 (1976),
          incorrectly paid Internal Revenue
          Service $26,887.70 instead of con-
          tractor's assignee since contractor
          filed chapter XI proceeding in
          Federal Bankruptcy Court and court
          apparently has ruled on issue of
          who is entitled to funds and will
          issue decision of its opinion.

      By letter of March 13, 1981, K.B.M. Inc. (K.B.M.)
 requested a ruling by our Office in connection with an
/alleged violation of th-t Assignment of Claims ActZ
31 U.S.C. § 302 (1976), by Wright Patterson Air Porce
Base. K.B.M. alleges that Wright Patterson incorrectly
paid $26,887.70 to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
instead of to K.B.M.'s assignee, Southern Ohio Bank.

      We were advised by the Department of the Air Force
 that K.B.M. filed a chapter XI proceeding in the Federal
 Bankruptcy Court of the Eastern District of Kentucky
 in Lexington, Kentucky, on February 5, 1981, and that
 two motions were filed under this action to resolve
 the quest±on of entitlement to the funds in question.
 :.- were advised by the clerk of the court that argu-
 ments on the motions were held on May 12, 1981, but
 that the court has not yet released the written text
 of its ruling.

      It is the policy of this Office not to decide
 issues which are before a court of competent jurisdic-
 tion unless, of course, the court requests, expects

                                         J YZ

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