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B-198330 1 (1981-05-05)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadjiv0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                   S     -   THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL
     DECISION                oF THE UNITEO STATES
                     9.->.:v ~WASHINGTON, 0D.C. 20548

     FILE:  B-198330               DATE:   MaY 5, 1981

     MATTER OF: Travel entitlements to carrier

     DIGEST: [llowances for trr,,Q.
               ow:n-4v*ebiz'e fro'f' aARember's per-
               manent station to a carrier terminalj
               located outside the member's duty
               station and not adjacent to it for
               members of the uniformed services
               and their dependents is authorized
               on the same basis as when the common
               carrier terminal is located within
               the limits of the member's permanent
               station or adjacent thereto. These
               allowances are a monetary allowance
               authorized under 37 U.S.C. 404(d)
               based on miles actually driven and
               parking fees not to exceed common
               carriex costs.

     The question to be resolved by this decision is
whether Volume 1 of the Joint Travel Regulations (1 JTR)
may be amended to authorize a monetary allowance computed
on a mileage basis and reimbursement for parking fees for
members of the uniformed services and their dependents
when performing authorized travel using privately owned
vehicles to travel to a common carrier terminal 'which is
neither within nor adjacent to the boundaries of their
permanent duty station. It is our view that the regula-
tions may be amended.
     This question together with the proposed change
in the regulations was submitted by the Acting Assistant
Secretary of the Air Force (Manpower, Reserve Affairs and
Installations). The request has been assigned PDTATAC
Control No. 80-12 by the Per Diem, Travel and Transporta-
tion Allowance Committee.

     The regulations now permit payment of a monetary
allowance based on round-trip mileage between a member's
residence or official station and the common carrier
terminal plus parking fees incurred at the terminal
when the member is driven in his automobile to or from
the airport by a friend or relative who is not traveling
on official business. Subject to the constructive cost
limitation based upon common carrier or taxi costs, one


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