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B-191988 1 (1978-09-19)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadjam0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

f                                                    &Roger Ayer P L 1

                          -~c~THU LCOMPTRWLLIER OI3NIRAL
      CECIBI& N       i.OF-f4 . Cr THI SUNITED     BTATES
                               ;'%'/ASIIrGT0N, C'. C . 20 4 ,B

      FILE: B-191988                DATE: Bepteaber 19, 1978

      MATTER OF: Neff Communications, Irc.

          Agency is not required to separately
          purchase item listed on Federal Supply
          Schedule contract where agency's overall
          needs can be satisfied only through
          total package procurement approach
          involving award for total requirements
          to one contractor.

          ,Neff CommunicAtions, Inc. (NCI) objects to the
      failire of the DeparEment of commerce, Nat-'iona.
      Ocean'ic and AtmoE pheric Administration, National
      Weather Service (Commerce) to procure Fidelipac
      continuous loop mag'netic tape cartridge's for use
      in Commicce's Automatic Audio System (AAS) pursuant
      to NCI's Federal Supply Schedule contract No. GS-
      00S-66028. The carEridges are being procured from
      the Ampro Corporation (Ampro) under Commerce con-
      tract No. 6--35383.

          The Ampro contract is for the furnishing, in-
     stallation, and maintenance of a national AAS net-
     work. Included in th'e contract is a requirement that
     tape cartridges be shipped monthly to each AAS lo-
     cation. The -contract price for a box 3f 16 cartridges
     is $44.97; t-iae schedule contract price is $32.17.
     At least 24 ,00o cartr~dges are to be ordered under
     the Ampro 'c,-ntract. Consequently, NCI pont.en~s that
     purchase roJ the tapes through the schedule contract
     would be i'n the best interest of the GoVernment
     because tie Government would receive the same tapes,
     now being.furnished by Amrpro, at a price lower than
     the Ampro price.

             ii   i '         'i-             !    ,      I

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