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B-195963 1 (1980-01-10)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadhwc0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                        THE  COMPTROLLER GENERAL.
                        W A.S*H I NWASHINGTON, D.C. 20548

FILE: B-195963                DATE: January 10, 1980

MATTER  OF: The Nedlog Company



1.   Bid that did not take exception to any
     IFB requirements properly was found

2.   Protest that bidder cannot perform
     at bid price is dismissed, since bidder
     was determined to be responsible, and
     GAO does not review affirmative deter-
     minations of responsibility except
     under circumstances not applicable here.
     Moreover, whether contract requirements
     in fact are met is matter of contract
     administration, which is function of
     contracting agency, not GAO.

3.   Acceptance of bid that competitor argues
     is below-cost is not improper where bid-
     der is determined to be responsible.

     The Nedlog Company (Nedlog) protests the award of
a contract to C&L Enterprises (C&L) under invitation for
bids (IFB) No. DABT31-79-B-0139 issued by the -nepartmnt (GP
of the Army for supplying four flavors of noncarbonated
beverages, and furnishing,-installing and maintaining
the beverage dispensers. Nedlog  first contends that
laboratory tests which it initiated show that the bever-
ages offered by C&L do not meet the IFB's specifications
with respect to natural. fruit juice content, and the
bid therefore should have been rejected as nonresponsive.
Second, Nedlog states that it has ascertained that al-
though C&L's beverages are labeled as being sugar-sweetened
as required by the IFB, they in fact contain corn sweet-
eners; Nedlog protests that such alleged mislabeling
violates U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
regulations.  Finally, Nedlog questions the ability of
C&L to profitably deliver even acceptable beverages at
the stated bid price.

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