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B-194953 1 (1979-06-21)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadhik0001 and id is 1 raw text is: - . ~ - -----

                        WASHINGTON, D. C. 20546

FILE: B-194953

DATE: June 21, 1979

MATTER  OF:  American Mutual Protective Pureau


1.   Allegation that awardee cannot comply with contract
     requirements is dismissed since Government's accep-
     tance of responsive bid effectively binds bidder to
     perform in accordance with terms of contract, and
     whether bidder is able to do so is matter of respon-
     sibility which will not be reviewed by GAO except
     in limited circumstances not applicable here.

 2.  Protest concerning specification deficiencies is
     not for consideration by GAO since protest was not
     filed either with contracting agency or GAO before
     bid opening.  4 C.F.R. § 20.2(b)(2).

     American  Mutual Protective Bureau (American
 Mutual) protests specification deficiencies in in-
 vitation for bids (IFB) No. PBS-9PS-79-05, issued by
 the General Services Administration (GSA) Region 9,
 San Francisco, California, for the procurement of
 armed guard services. Additionally, American Mutual
 protests the award .of this contract to Uni ersal
 Service Contractors.(Universal) on the basis that
 Universal is a [nonresponsible] bidder who has in
 the past not performed on government contracts * * *
 and is marginally in operation.

      With regard to American Mutual's contention that
 Universal is nonresponsible, the award of a contract
 to-Universal necessarily involved an affirmative de-
 termination of that firm's responsibility under Federal
 Procurement Regulations (FPR) § 1-2.407-2 (1964 ed.
 amend. 139). Our Office does not review protests
 which question such determinations of responsibility
 unless either fraud on the part of the procuring
 official is alleged, or the solicitation contains
 definitive responsibility criteria which have not been

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