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B-193911 1 (1979-05-02)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadhee0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                    a  C~~F~THE   COMPTROLLER GENERAL_ I
DECISION                   . OF   THE UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D  C. 20548

FILE:  B-193911

DATE:   May 2, 1979

M TE   R  OF:au H m  o ay:> :: :

     Contractor who alleged mistake in bid after award may not have
     contract reformed where mistake was unilateral, there was no
     actual notice, and awardee's lump-sum bid was less than 20
     percent lower than next low bid, which by itself is insufficient
     to warrant placing contracting officer on notice of possibility
     of error.-

     This decision concerns a mistake in bid by Paul Holm Company, Inc.
(Holm) alleged after award by the Science and Education Administration,
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) of contract No.
50-9AHZ-8-1404 for the construction of shower facilities. VD

     In response to invitation for bids (IFB) No. 114-W-ARS-78, issued
by USDA, three bids were received. These bids, each consisting of a
single price for the installation, included Holm's bid of $26,867,
Grashius Builders' bid of $33,367, and Griffith Construction Co., Inc.'s
bid of $33,707.  The Government estimate for the work was $27,032.
Bid-opening took place September 8, 1978, and award was made to Holm
on September 11, 1978.  On September 22, Holm advised the contracting
officer by telephone that its bid had failed to take into account a
subcontractor's plumbing costs of $6,115. Holm requested reformation
of its contract to include this amount.

     The contracting officer recommended increasing the contract price
$6,115 for a total of $32,982. The contracting officer believed that
the Government cost estimate contained calculation errors and should
have been $31,422.  She indicated further that, based on worksheets
submitted by Holm, a bona fide mistake had been made, and she felt
that she should have been on constructive notice of a possible
mistake because of the 20 percent differential between Holm's bid
and those of the other bidders.

     The contracting officer's recommendation was sent to USDA's
Office of the General Counsel for a determination, as provided in the
procedures outlined in the Federal Procurement Regulations (FPR)
§ 1-2.406-4(a) (1978), and in the Department of Agriculture Procure-
ment Regulations at 41 C.F.R. § 4-2.406-1(b) (1978). USDA's Office of
the General Counsel determined, pursuant to its authority under
7 C.F.R. § 2.31(e), that there were insufficient grounds to charge

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