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B-194213 1 (1979-04-02)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadhbb0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                         THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL
                         WASHINGTON, O.C. 20548

FILE: B-194213                 DATE:  April 2, 1979

MATTER   OF:Lewis Corporation


1.  Protest based on alleged patent solicitation
    defects is untimely when filed with bid, since
    GAO Bid Protest Procedures reouire that such
    protests be filed prior to date for bid opening.

2.  Protest is summarily dismissed where protester's
    initial submission demonstrates affirmatively
    that protest is untimely.

    The  Lewis Corporation (Lewis) has protested
invitation for bids (IFB) MOO027-79-B-0008 issued by
the United States Marine Corps (Marine Corps).  Lewis
alleges that the IFB contains restrictive and unreason-
able requirements.

     The bid opening date was February 26, 1979, and
Lewis included a letter of protest to the Marine Corps
in its bid package. Lewis' protest to our Office was
received February 27.

     We believe the protest may be dismissed on the
basis of the protester's initial submission and without
further development pursuant to our protest procedures,
4 C.F.R. Part 20,et seq. (1978), because the documents
submitted and read in the licht most favorable to the
protester affirmatively demonstrate that the protest is
untimely.  Murphy Anderson Visual Concepts - Reconsidera-
tion, B-191850, July 31, 1978, 78-2 CPD 79.

     Section 20.2(b)(1) of our Bid Protest Procedures,
4 C.F.R. § 20.2(b)(1) (1978), requires that protests based
on alleged patent solicitation defects, such as restric-
tive specifications, be filed prior to bid opening.  Addi-
tionally, section 20.2(a) of our Procedures, 4 C.F.P. 5
20.2(a) (1978), provides that we will consider a protest
filed initially with a contracting aqencv only if that
protest was timely filed with the agency.  Therefore, in

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