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B-194016 1 (1979-02-16)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadgyf0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                      ' THE  COMPTROLLER GENERAL
                        WASHINGTON, 0'.C. 2054e

 FILE: 8-194016               DATE: February 16, 1979

 MATTER  OF:  Albert S. Freedman d/b/a
              Reliable Security Services

     Allegations of deficiencies in 'ntriact
     performance will no  be considered under
     bfdAprotest procedures since allegations
     .invdlve mitter of contract administration
     which is function and responsibility of
     contracting agency.

     Albert  .          dbaRdman /iablSeurt     Services
 (R lii6e).'protests the alleged!failur    per'ly,
 adniiite~r a se'curity guard ,dotrict awrded pursuant
 to Invitation for Bids No. 325-79--060 fiAsued by 'tthe
 Departmdnt of Hezalth, Education and Welfare (HEW),
 United States Public Health Hospital, Seattle Washington.

     Ra1lable alleges 'thatHEW is not requiringjthe
contrat'hr to coimply with some of the specification
provisions and that the contractor's employees are
not receiving the correct wages and fringe benefits.

    SThesekallegations pertain to'dontract administra-
tinWhihs        hefh    on ad  rs'ibility of:the
contracting agCacy. Allegationsofth     nature are
not-for resolutibn under ourbid protest procedures,
whichfreirdserved  for considering whether an award,
or prKoposed award, of a contract complies with-statutory,
regulatoryand  other legal requirements. See Joy Manu-
fa4ctringCo0mpany, B-191168, March 7, 1978, 78-1
CPD 180; Dyneteria, Inc., B-186828, July 22, 1976,
76-2 CPD 72.

     Accordingly, the protest is dismissed. However,
a copy of Reliable's letter is being.furnished to
the contracting agency.

                        Milton J. S colar

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