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B-193511 1 (1978-12-29)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadgth0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 



             WAS SH  IN GTON. O.C. 20548

                    DATE:   December 29, 1978

Challenge Equirment Corporation


     Agency  decision to approve item to be
     furnished  under prime contract is mat-
     ter  of contract administrationjwhich is
     responsibility  of procuring activity and
     is  not reviewed by GAO under Bid Protest
     Procedures.   Fact that approval results
     in  subcontract award does not convert
     matter  into one reviewed by GAO since
     challenges  to subcontract awards are
     considered  only in circumstances not
     present  here.

     Challenge  Equipment Corporation (Challenge) protests
  the approval by the General Services Administration (GSA)
  of certain dock pads to be furnished under contract No.
  GS-09B-C-90060-SF.  Challenges asserts that the approved
  item does not meet specification requirements.

      The items approved by GSA are being furnished by
  Chalfant Sewing Fabricators, Inc. as a supplier to GSA's
  prime contractor.  Challenge maintains that the Chalfant
  product is not equal to the brand name product specified
  in the prime contract, and that GSA improperly approved
  its use under the contract.

      The question raised by the protester involves a mat-
  ter of contract administration which is the function and
  responsibility of the contracting agency. Masoneilan
  Regulator Company, B-188980, February 24, 1978, 78-1
  CPD 154.  Matters of contract administration are not
  for resolution under our Bid Protest Procedures which
  are reserved for considering whether an award, or pro-
  posed award, of a contract complies with statutory,
  regulatory and other legal requirements. See Inter-
  Alloys Corporation, B-182890, February 4, 1975, 75-1
  CPD 79.

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