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B-189500 1 (1978-03-21)

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DATE:   March 21, 1978

Montgomery Ward and Company, Inc.


    Protest of property disposal agency's refusal to
    deviate from stated terms of solicitation in order
    to give preference to bid offering cash terms over
    high bid offering credit terms is denied where
    solicitation indicated either to be equally accept-
    able tn the Government.

    Montgomery Ward and Company, Inc. (MW) protests the
General Services Administration's (GSA) acceptance of
the high offer submitted by Space Bank Limited (SBL) of
$1,410,000 on stendard credit terms, for i surplus
property located in Pasadena, California.  MW tendered
a cash bid of $1,355,000 for the same property.  The
property in question had been offered for sale by GSA
on three previous occasions and was the subject of our
decision MontgomeryWard  and Comany,  Inc., B-189503,
August 5, 1977, 77-2 CPD 83, where we found MW's protest
of GSA's refusal to accept its high offer for the property
to be untimely filed.

    MW's present protest is founeed upon MW's belief
that the Government's interests iould be better served
by acceptance of MW's somewhat lower cash offer rather
than SBL's high offer an the standard credit terms set
out in the solicitation.  However MW also auestions
GSA's refusal to consider MW's prior offer arguing that
the price ultimately paid by SBL for the property was
virtually equal to a GSh appraiser's earlier estimate
of the value of the property which GSA had itself re-

    GSA takes the position that once an agency advises
the putlic, though a solicitation, that the Government
will atcept either cash terms or cr lit terms it is
inconsistent for the agency, after  he bids have been
opened, to evidence a preference fo  cash over credit.
GSA also states that because the ir'erest charged is


                          HR COMPTRCLLEnf GENERAL
                      S  VASHINGTON. O.C. 2fl54U

FILE:   F-i189500


 - .4


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