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B-189603 1 (1978-03-15)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadfvl0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


                         THE COMPTROLLEfl 0EP
bC CIICN                 OF  THE   UNIVUEfl   CTXr,.ae
                         WASHINGTON, 0.C. 2Jt49

FILE:   B-189603              DATE:  4n:r:h 15, 1978

MATTER  OF:  New Hampshire-Vermont Health Service

1.   Agency's determination that provisions of one of
     its regulations are not applicable to particular
     situation is clearly correct. Moreover, even if
     regulation was less than clear and subject to
     being construed to cover situation, agency inter-
     pretation of its own regulation wruld be entitled
     to great deference.

2.   Extent to which offeror's proposed course of
     action was adequately justifind in proposal is
     matter within subjective judgment of agency pro-
     curing officials, and record affords no basis
     for concluding that agency's judgment that there
     was sufficient justification was un:easonable.

3.   Allegation that price was improperly evaluated
     must fail where such allegation is directly re-
     lated to assertion that technical evaluation
     was also improper and it is found that technical
     evaluation was proper.

4.   Request for clarifications from one offeror
     prior to formal technical evaluation which re-
     sults in submission of detailed data, withbut
     which proposal would not be acceptable, con-
     stitutes aiscussions- therebg necessitating
     discussions with and call for best and final
     offers from all offerors.

5.   Where responsibility-type concerns such as
     prior company experience are comparatively
     evaluated in negotiated procurement, rule that
     responsibility determinations should be based
     on most current informtation available is also
     for application.

6.   Where agency evaluates company experience by
     means of point scoring, but such evaluation
     does not take into account most recent ex-
     perience information which is in possession

                     -1-  -


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