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B-191168 1 (1978-03-07)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadfto0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

Roger Ayer

95 _1110

                      . THE  COMPThOLLE
DECIUON               . OP   IHU  UNITot,
                        WAB31MNYor. D V

FILE: 8-191168

DATE:    tnh  T, 19T

MATTER  OF:  JOy Manufacturing Company



Allegation that contractor's equipment is not
in compliance with specifications will not be
considered mince allegation involves matter of
contract administration which is function and
responsibility of contracting agency and not
for resolution under bid protest procedures.

     By letter of February 10, 178, Joy Manufacturing
Company (Joy) makes certain allegations concerning admin-
istration of acontract  awarded to Ingberg Mechanical,
Inc. (Ingberg) pursuant to Invitation for Bids No. 263-
77-3 (92-0214) issued by the National Institutes of

     Specifically, Joy alleges that the equipment which
Ingbery intends to use includes electric motors whibh
deviate from the spieifications which accompanied the
solicitation.  Joy indicates that it has electric motors
which comply in all respects with the solicitation re-
quirements, which it hca offered to make available to

    These matters pertain to contrict administration
which is the function and resjonsibility of'the contract-
ing agency.  Matters of contract adminiEtration are not
for resolution under our bid protst procedures which
are reserved for considering whether an award, or pro-
posed award, of a cdntract complies with statutory, regu-
latory an! other leqal requirements. See, Inter-5Alloys
Corporation, B-182890, February 4, 1975, 75-1 CPD 79 and
Dyneteria7 Inc., B-186828, July 22, 1976, 76-2 CPD 72.

     In view of the foregoing, the protest is dismissed.
However, a copy of Joy's letter is being furnished to
the contracting agency.

                           Paul G. Dembling
                           General Counsel


14cr --



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