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B-190005 1 (1977-10-06)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadfcu0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 








03800 - [B2874117]

rAnnual Leave Payment
6, 177.  2 pp.

Decision re: Jeanette
Comptroller Goneral.

for Temporary Euployee]. a-190005.  October

Y. Ball; by Fobert F. Keller, Deputy

Issue Area: Personnel Management  and Compensation: Compensation
Contact: Office of the Geineral Counsel: Civilian Personnel.
Budget Function:,Ceneral Governmentz  Central Personnel
    flanagement (805).
Orrranizaticn Concernrid: Department of the Army: Field Artillery
    Center, Fort Sil', O.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. (302-03. FPM Letter  63j-22.

         LiC J. T. irvin, Flnrace  and Accounting officer at Fort
Sill, Oklahoma, requested an advance decision  with regard to the
request by a temporary eaployoe for a  lamp anum payment of
accrued annual leave. The euployee,  initially appoiuited for less
than 90 days, is entitled to annual  leave accrual and lump sum
payment upon separation if the employee serves  more than 90 days
under successive appcintments withcut a break  in service.



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