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B-188994 1 (1977-09-14)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadfbu0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

03613 - [A2553722J       DOCORINT  R!SUNE

[Alleged  2mproper Provisions in Solicitation for Translation
ServicepT.  E-188954. September 14, 1977. 5 pp.

Decision re: Tranilation  Consultants Ltd.; by Robert F. Keller,
Deputy Comptrcller General.

issue Area: Federal fiocurement of Goods  and Services (1900).
Contact: Office of the General Counsel: Procurement  Law fl.
Budget Function: General Government: Other  General Government
Organizaticn Concerned: Environmental Protection  Agency.
Authority: Freedom of Information Act. F.P.R.  1-3.404-3(bt.
    E-167367  (1977). 0

         The protester objected to a variety  of allegedly
improper provisions in a solicitation for translation services.
The protest alleging that the  40-month contract without an
escalation clause was unreasonable was denied. The  Epecificatioh
that the offeror iust deionstrate telecopy capability  did not
require that the cfferor own a talecopier, but only that  the
oferor  have one available for use as needed.  The agency's
method for estimating work requirements  was reasonable where
based on past contract experience. The requirement that the
tranclaticn work performed by the contractor  be mailed to the
agency ty registered mail was reasonable  since registered mail
prevents document loss.  (Author/SC)

                               I                                           J

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