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B-189841 1 (1977-08-29)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadfai0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


                          DOCUNrT  RESUME

03334 - rA9433567]

ralleged Gxvernment Peglect 4a Pailure to Purnish  Copy of
Solicitation to Firm on 2ualified  Products List). B-180941.
ALqust 29, 1977. 2 pp. $ ercloure   (1 pp.).

Decision reT Bober Chemtcals, Inc.; by Milton  Socolar (for Paul
G. Dembling, General Couneel).

Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goals and  services (1900).
Contact: Office of the General counnel: Procurement  Law I.
Budget Function: Wational Defense: Department  of Defense -
    Procurement & Contracts  (0581.
Organization Concerned: Defense Supply Agency:  Defense General
    supply Center, Pichmond, VA.
Authority: 4 C.'.P. 20.2. 53 Comp. Gen. 533,  534.

         Company alleged that the Govetnment's failure to
furnish it a copy. of the solicitation after qualifying its
product constituted gross neglect entitling the firm to
compensation. Filing of the protest almost 3 months after
receipt of the adverse response was natimely; the protsut ws
not considered. (SW)

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