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B-186942 1 (1977-08-02)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadezl0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

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                                         DOOK!NT  RE2tIN

                03251 - (A21732911

                (Alleged Tuproper Contract Award]. 3-186942. August 2, 1977. 5
                Decision red f. L. Banks, Inc.; by Robert F. Keller, Deputy
                Comptroller General.

                Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goss  and 'services (19001.
                Contact: Office of the General Counsel: Procurement Law II.
                Bu(get Function: General Government: Other General Government
                oraanization Concerned: Arthur Young and Co.; Dravo Cocp.;
                    Federal Railroad Administration; Gibbs and Hill.
                Authority: B-184658 (1976). f-182742 (1975). B-181741 (1974).
                    B-187547 (1977). B-187116 (1977). 52 Coap. Gen. 198.

                         The protester alleged that his competitor's bid should
                not have been accepted because: a subcontractor had a conflict
                of interest, evaluation criteria wo're improperly applied, and
                negotiations were not conducted fairly. The facts do not show
                that the alleged conflict of interest will affect contract
                performance. Since thy protester's proposal wrs properly judged
                to he technically unacceptable, price considerations are not
                applicable. The protester failed to prove that the agency did
                not inform it of the proposal deficiencies. (Author/SC)

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