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B-187838 1 (1976-11-26)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadehb0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


                                ~mM~4t-, HE COMvPTROLLER GENJERAL
           DECISION                  * OF   THE UNITED STATES
                                       WASHINGTON, D.C. 2054E

           FILE: B-187838                     DA.TE:Worebar  P6. 1976

           MATTER OF:       National Federation of Fedeal Employees


                Protest based on contention that procurement for services
                which could be performed at leas cost by federal employees
                and therefore in violation of provisions of OMB Circular A-76
                is dimnissed as not being appropriate for resolution by GAO.

                The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) protests
          an award of a contract by the United States Air Force (AF) to
          Lear Sicgler, 'Inc., Management Uervices Division. The contract is
          for corrosion contirol services which NFFE contends could be per-
          formed by federal employees at less cost to the Government. NFFE
          asserts that the corl~ract violates the provisions of Office of
          Management and Budget Circular A-76 because no coant comparison
          study was made before the AF decided to contrct:t for such services
          and because the AF is providing facilities, transportation and
          supervision for the personnel of the contractor.

                The issue raised by NFFE is'not one which is appropriate
          for resolution under the Bid Protest Procedures of this Office.
          This Office regards the proviuions of Circular A-76 as matters
          of Executive Policy which do not establish legal rights and
          responsibilities and which are not within the decision functions
          of the General Accounting Office, 53 Comp. Gen. 86 (1973) and
          Universal 'American Enterprises, Inc., B-184555, May 26, 1976,
          76-1 CPD 341.

                Accordingly, the protest is dismissed.

                                          Paul G. D mbling
                                    A     General Counsel

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