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B-186317 1 (1977-01-24)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadebh0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                          THE cor'PiATNcLLEN   USNERAL
                          WASHiNUTON. D. C. R0545
                  11, Ell0






JAN 2 11977



   Tis  matter lavolves a request hr an advance d-cision dated
April 7, 1076, from MUs. Orris C. 7)uet. a MaPrised certifying
officer with the tkdted States Department of Agricultare, on the
pmpritr  of Maylg a vowelr in the mrant of 9486. 5 sbmItted
by Joe*  D. Arge,   am empsey.e of the Forest Service. for an
dditonal 4O dayu temporary  artere alloweace lacldant to his
trester of offielal duty sUtion.

   TIe reeard shows that Mr. Argls was issued Travel Anthorisation
4o. 10. 01. 00470 dated June 6. 1STS. for the change of his official
station from New Meadows. Idaho, to atirbanks, Alsaks, and it
atheriud  him substeme  fr  up to 30 days while he was occupying
tenporary quarters at his new duty station. It Is the policy of
lRegIS 10 et the Forest Service (Alaska) to authorise 30 days temp-
ary   quarts t Iitially ad amead t authoriation to includs an
additsLeal 30 4ays when an employe* Is sable, to complete arrange-
meats for peftIanet bosing withis the first 3-day period.
   At his mes duty station. Mr. Argyle was scrigted the responsibility
of estabshlng a new office without the aid of c' - 'nl or other em-
playee at his new station to advise him. Dark* Mbis perlid, he also
enperieaced a death in his family. As a rpsult of these unusual cir-
camatacs,   he failed to request an additoumal 30 days temporary
quarters altowance. The Department of Agriculture states that had

   Jaseph D. Argye - Awendment  of Traw4 Orders
   to Atherise  ateaomh of Temporary Quarter
   Subsutease Erpse.
Perest Service employn, treaferred from
Idahn to Alska to opn mow office In Fairbanks,
was atherined 30 day temporary gearters
substatene sxenes.  E          circun-
stances cassed employee to reas i temp-
orary quarkers tor SO days ad be was Met
advised to regne*t -** extmalsa of subsistence
aipmee   athorised by I U. S. C. I 8?t4a.
Agency eq  allow dditlesal subuistemce it
lm have satris.W had   e-ployee requested
It mad, while generally travel orde. may not
be retrectively ameade. S U.  C. S 5724&
ad  tmptememtbg regulatiss eastemplate
pot appral  ot subltence epenses  etension
   aploy.es  trasefrred to Alaska. etc.

I._ _




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