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B-186826 1 (1976-10-28)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaddyn0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                            ,  THE  CgMPTROLLER GLENJRAL
 DECISIC1                         FTHE     UNITrE      BTATE8
                              WWA    rIINGTON M        C, 2V35413

 FILE:  B-186826                      DATE:    October 23,  1976

 MATTER OF: James Lo Palmer - Advance Decision on
                Actual Subsistence Allowance

 DIGEST:     1. National Labor Relatious Board employee who .s
                authorized reimbursement for actual subsistence
                texpenses while on 90-day derail may not bct rim-
                bursed for meal expenses claimed on a flat-rate
                basis and must provide itemization of actual
                daily  food expenses,

             2. Although employee who reuts apartment while on
                temporary dutz may be reimbursed expenses for
                cleaning services as a cost of  lodgings, claim
                for $600  for maid service for 3 months is exces-
                sve  based on  cleaning needs of a one-bedroom
                apartment occupied by one individual,  Reim-
                bursement should be limited on  the banrk z'f the
                cost of  commercial cleaning service provided on
                a once-a-week basis.

            3.  Employee who rents apartment while on  temporary
                duty may be reimbursed  tele.hone users charges
                and  taxes thereon as costs of lodgings. How-
                ever, neither  the cost of teephone  installation
                nor  charges for rental of a television may be
                included as  expenses of lodgings.

     This  is in response to rs request of June 23, 1976, by
Dorothy S. Wells, an  authorized certifying officer of the
National  Labor Relations Board (NRB), for an advance decision
as  to whether Mr. James L. Palmer, a field attorney for NLRD,
is  entitled to rrimbursement for certain expenses incurred
while  authorized actual subsistence expenses during a 90-day
detail  in Washington, D.C..

     The  pertinent fact  oas they appear in the record are that
Mr. Palmer was  directed to travel from his officia) duty station
at Houston, Texas,  to Washington, D.C., for a 90-day detail
lastihg  from September 19 co December 22, 1975. During this
period,  he was authorized reimbursement for the actual and


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