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B-184376 1 (1975-10-09)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadcuw0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                             THE  COMPTROLLER GENERAL
DECISION                     OF   THE UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, 0.C. 20548

FILE:   B-184376                    DATE:  October 9,1975

MATTER OF:       Ecoscience, Inc.


1.  Recognizing considerable range of discretion accorded buying
    agency in determining procurement method best suited for
    given purchase and, especially recognizing complexities
    involved in building 2,600 military housing units in extinct
    volcano area, decision to purchase housing on advertised,
    rather than negotiated (turnkey), basis does not lack rational

2.  Administrative decision not to permit turnkey alternative to
    conventional, advertised purchase method is not subject to
    question, since it appears to be rational exercise of dis-
    cretion given factors recited by Department for decision.
    Even if some factors are not as significant as they appear to
    be given protester's comments, support for decision is found
    in projected escalated labor and material costs that would
    likely attend delay pending turnkey revision and award.

    In  early 1974, the Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army,
was faced with the problem of deciding the method of procurement for
2,600 family housing units to be constructed in Aliamanu Crater,
an extinct volcanic crater, located near Honolulu, Hawaii. The types
of procurement available for choice were the turnkey method (a type
of negotiated procurement involving a single contract.for both the
design and construction of the project) and the conventional method
(a formally advertised procurement for the construction work along
with separate negotiated contracts for the required construction
management and design effort involved).

     In May 1974, the Department decided to proceed with the con-
ventional method because of the projected size and complexity of the
project.  Further, it was considered that the number of firms capable
and willing to make turnkey proposals would be severely limited.
Among the specific factors influencing this decision were:

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