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B-183723 1 (1975-08-21)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadcnq0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

FILE:                               [DATE:     AU
    MATTE  OF:   Burton H. Jaffe -Adjustments of  Absence

[DIGEEST: Without Leave Charges
                .Equal Employm-ent Opportunity Commission
                employee  claims compensation for charges
                of  absence vithout leave. There  is no
                entitlement  since, when there is dispute
                as  to the facts, the General Accounting
                Office  will accept the agency'.s statement
                of  facts absent'a preponderance of evidence
                to  the contrary, and the employee has not
                presented  such evidence.

      This decision results from a request for review of the
 action of our Transportation and Claims Division (TCD) dated
 March 3, 1975, on the claim of Burton H. Jaffe for restoration
 of annual leave charg:es in his leave and pay records and removal
 of two absent 'Without leave (Av OL) charges made by his former
 euployer, the Equal Emiployment Opportunity Commi--s.sin (EEOC).

      O  three occasions in 1973 the EEOC charged Mr. Jaffe
 annual leave for a total of 5 hours.  In one instance the time
 card wa-s not initialed as procedure requires before an employee's
 account may be charged, and in the other two the initials
 recorded were not those used by Mr. Jaffe. Also,  the EE0C
 charged Mr. Jaffe a total of 8 hours AWOL for leaving his
 assigned work area without authorization on two occasions. His
 salary was reduced for such absences and he was issued a letter
 of reprimand dated April 23, 1974, in connection with the
 second absence.

      The EEOC advised our TCD that it would recredit 5 hours
 of annual leave to Mr. Jaffe's account and forward the credit
 to his present employer, the Department of Labor. However, the
 EEOC stated that Mr. Jaffe did not appeal the AOL charges.
 Accordingly, our TCD accepted the statement of facts of the
 employing agencyt  Mr. Jaffe contests the action concerning the
 AnOL charges   anssurtte andditional material which he
 alleges shows tcharte   iharges were unjustified.

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