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B-182995 1 (1975-09-24)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadcmw0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                             THE  COMPTROLLER GENERAL
                          W~ VASHINGTON, 0. C. 20S46

 FILE: B-182995                    DATE:    September 24, 1975

 MATTER   OF:, Hyster Company                                -7


 1. Provision in solicitation that bids be mailed to certain address
    or hand-carried to depositary located at mailing address does
    not prohibit hand delivery to official located in bid opening room
    who was authorized to receive bids.

2.  Bid deadline for hand-carried bid may not be deemed to have
    arrived because of bid opening officer's removal of bids from
    depositary since public declaration that time set for bid opening
    had arrived subsequently was made by authorized official consist-
    ent with clock in bid opening room.

3. Where  bid opening officer states that hand-carried bid initially
   was  tendered, according to clock in bid opening room, prior to
   scheduled bid opening time and prior to the authorized public
   declaration that such time had arrived, rejection of bid as late
   is not required even though officer initially rejected tender of
   the bid in accordance with time shown on unsynchronized clock
   outside bid opening room. Authorized public declaration, made
   in accordance with clock in bid opening room, that time for bid
   opening has arrived is prima facie evidence of that fact.

4.  Factual statements made by attendee at bid opening who claimed
   to have observed occurrences from far corner of room are rejected
   in preference to contrary statements submitted by bid opening of-
   ficer and alternate who directly participated in contested delivery
   of bid.

5. Hand-carried  bid may be accepted even though received late since
   lateness is result of bid opening officer's erroneous rejection of
   initial tender which was timely made and consideration of bid does
   not compromise  integrity of competitive bid system.

6. Notwithstanding that protester might have deduced the identity of
   the precise model on which low bid was submitted from shipping


                                               PUDLISHED DECISION

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