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B-181163 1 (1974-06-25)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadcco0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 
                        16   VE1F     6T0VJ    D0      0t

 F I L F: 1863ATE:                                1nV 1

 MATrTER  O0F: United Paint M41anufacturing, Ine, P, ffg

 nDiGE iFf: Allegtiont; htpec-ificatilonnart,9pduly
             Testrictive because proeuct required by'
             rpecificati n is iannufactured by Only two:
             supp)1ers iii not substainriated -Auce 11tated
             fe-atures of Epecificationg. are found to meelt
             the min~limumne-eds of the Governmewnt aInd 011
             firms competent in the field of application
             of product were free to bid,

    -2, Large businesconcerns may supply product
             npcified to s½all buriens cnntrcto   ndyr
             .nall busin1eausset-nsrde since rquiremnt
             that end ttern ie manufactured or produced by
             nuall busines concernitsnot pplIcable to
             comtructini contothe  e .oncdbyrtoliita-

          3, Protester advised that It 1-isassumied thaft
             contractinpn ffice will tae allegation
             concerning low idder's responsIbility set
             forth In letter to GAO, copy of wich pro-
             tester sent to contracting office, irnto
             consideration prior to naking award and that
             If contracting officer find bidder respon-
             sible there would be no basia to disturb
             finding absent demonstration of fraud in

     Invitation for bids (Is) N62474-74-B-1029, issued on Marchd21,
1974, by the 1efstern Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Commond,--0
called for bide for roof repatr   to Building No. 511, Naval
Comrmunientions Station, Stockton, California, In accordance with dtr1hat
NAVFAC Specifications No 12-74-1029. The specifications as issued
called for the npplication of spray-in-place polyurethane foam with
a silicone rubber roof coating. the physical proprties of the
silicone rubber coating were set forth in paragraph 6.2 of the

                                        BEST  pocuwwtm   F\MLM
                            AO 9459

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