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B-181356 1 (1974-07-26)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadccl0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 
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                t// *No rTHE   CCMVIPYROLLE$19GINEIRAL
aT)ECISIONll, 1PT                     UNITE:' BTATIn
                           WVASHINGTON, L)IC. 2D0154fl
                    -        Aa HIg (3tT' N  E) C    D1r l


FILE;  n-183356


DATE:  July 26, 1974

IDayton Supply Corporation P. '7?



Contracting officep nia not on conntructive
notice of error 31ecred rfttvr Mrnrd of rcuire-
r.r.t cortr.ct r.'h'n tc rc,: b.'Ar crrn
of bidding did not vary nubntuentilly from
that 01 t econd low uidlder or from previous
prices for item3.

       Since it ias low bidder on 1ll 20 item of invitation
  for-bidn DSA 700-73-1-1971, Jhnvton Sutni  Cornoretton (Prton)
  was awarded Doftnve Construction Supply Cqnter (DCo0) require.,
  nents contrnct 'o, .A 7C0-7?-..O09 to f\rninh vnriou or.:ounts
and   types of toilet seats to various dentinetions.    Previously,
  by authority of P,L, 85-80, DO canen)cd items 0001-0005 due
  to a mistake in Dryton's bid,   In the instvnt case, Doyton
  requocts concellet.,on of item  0011, 0015 (s 114510-00-P47-
  1365), 0019, and 0120 (FSH 510-00-2W7-1370), nlso due to t
  mistake in bid, Tone items are item 0301 of delivery order
  No, DSA 70073-D-30?-0001 and items 0001 and 0002 of delivery
  order Io, DSA 7C0-73.D-009.930J$, respectively,

       Dcnyton contends n thAt in calculating its bid it did not
  include the cost of plletizetion of itema 0014, 0015, 0019,
  and 0020, as required by the contract', If it is forced to
  palletize, Dayton vlleges that it would suffer a losn in
  excess of $2,000 per shkpment. The above request wos denied
  by DCSC on Januai' 25, 1970. The Assistant Counsel, Jefense
  Supply Agency, concurs in the disposition.

      When a mistake in 'bid is aleged after award of a contract,
  the primary quastion is not whether an error was made in the
  bid, but whether a valid and binding contract was consummated
  by acceptance of its bid. B-175386, June 1, 1972. Where, as
  here, a mistake has been alleged after award of the contract,
  our Office will grant relic' only if such mistake was mutual
  or if the contracting officer had actual or constructive

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