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B-181355 1 (1974-07-29)

handle is hein.gao/gaobadccj0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 
                              TMS   C OMPTROLk       I O2EIN'LTRAL
 bOsCi1131                    OF   THE    UNITW        1 STATES
                              WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548

 FILE:                               DATE:   July 29, 1974
               Mileage for two &utomobilea incldent to transfer

 D  I BT:Athoush   authorization wan denied for the uue of two
          privately owned vehicles to transport a family oX four
          and their luggage incident to the transfer of an etmloyee
          from Kennewick, Washington, to Germantown, Maryland,
          voucher for additional taileage based on such use may
          be certified, if administratively approved, since
          Federal Travel Regulations, FPUR 101-7, chapter 2, permit
          approval of such mileage allowance subsequent to a change
          of atation.

     This astion is taken pursuant to a requsst for a decision as
to whetheradniatrative approval   may-be-ma efor  the use of a
necond autonobilekncident  to the transfer of Dr. T. A. Nemzek,
an employee of tN  Atomic Energy Commissiou (AEC), from Kennewick,
Washington, to Germantown, Maryland, in August 1973.

     The record indicates that a request for authorization to use
a second car was denied.  Accordingly, mileage at a rate of 12 cents
for the use of one autotobile was paid rather than 8 cants a mile
for two ears.  Dr. Nemzek hass ubmitted a reclaim voucher for ad-
ditional mileage.  lie justifies the use of the second automobile
on the ground that the urgency of the AEG request that he thange
stations forced him to store his household goods prior to their
shipmnent to Washington, D.C. As a consequonce, Dr. Nemnk hd  to
transport a larve anount of bagsate in his two automobiles, One
automobile wa  a standard size Chevroket Caprice and the other was
a compuct Vega.  Dr. Neazek claims that it wouXld have been un-
reaconable for him, his wife, and his two sons, both being over
6-feot tall, to travel 2,500 miles in one car under such conditions,
The agency submission asks (1) whether the above circumstances
justify the use of the second privately owned vehicle, and (2) whether
the use of the second vahicle can be approved aduitstratively after
the fact.

     Section 5724, title 5, United States Code, provides that under
such regulations as the Prenident may preecribe the head of the
agency concerned, or his designee, may authorize payment of milege
allowance during a change of ntation. Implementing regulations are


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