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093056 1 (1970-10-30)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacwyk0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                               WASHINGTON,  D.C. 20548

CIVIL DIVISION                                                   30  1970

   Dear Dr. Allen a

        During our current review of affiliation agreements between Veterans
   Administration (VA) hospitals and private schools of medicine, we have noted
   certain matters regaraing the administration of research in the VA Hospital,
   Palo Alto, Califrirnia (VAUPA) which we would like to bring to your immediate
   attention because of possible savings in research funds.  The research at
   APA   was performed under grants awarded by the National Institutes of Health
   (NIH) and the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) of the Public
   Health Service (PuS) to the Stanford University School of Medicine (Stanford).
   Our review is still in progress at six other VA hospitals which have a sub-
   stttal   amount of PHS research funds which are admintred by affiliated
   medicAl schools,  In this regard, VA records indicate that more than $15
   million of university administered research was performed in VA hospitals
   during fiscal year 1969, and we were advised by VA officials that probably
   more than 90 percent of this was funded by PHS.

        The matters discussed below are concerned with (1) the possibility of
  reducing  the indirect cost of research performed under PHS grants by awarding
  the grants directly  to VA hospitals, and (2) the use of an inappropriate in-
  direct cost rate  for certain research at VAHEA.


       Our review of 17 medical research grants awarded by NIX  and NIII to
   Stanford disclosed that during fiscal year 1969, 100 percent of the research
   was conducted at the VAHEA for 15 of these grants and about 90 percent of the
   research was conducted at VAUPA for the remaining two grants.  In all but one
   case, the principal investigator was employed by the VA as a physician or
   researcher. Total fiscal year 1969 costs charged  to these grants were about

        These grants were awarded based on applications submitted by the principal
  investigators through Stanford.   In each case the applicant organisation was
  shown as Stanford University, and  in nearly ell cases the grant applications
  indicated  that a high percentage of the research was to be conducted in
  Federal facilities.

       Our review has indicated  that the overhead or indirect cost rates applied
   to these grants by Stanford generally ranged from 43 to 57 percent of direct
   labor cost. The 43 percent rate was negotiated by  the Government with
   Stanford University for research performed off-campus and the 57 percent rate

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