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092969 1 (1971-05-18)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacwvm0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                               WASHINGTON,  D.C. 20548

CIVIL DIVISION                                                    MAY  181971

        Dear Dr.  Irving:

             We have  recently completed our review of selected activities of the
        Plant Protection  Division (PPD) of the Agricultural Research Service,
        Department  of Agriculture.  Our review--made pursuant to the Budget and
        Accounting Act,  1921 (31 U.S.C. 53), and the Accounting and Auditing Act
        of  1950 (31 U.S.C. 67)--was directed primarily toward evaluating the
        policies  and procedures followedby  PPD's Southern Regional Office in
        enforcing  plant quarantines, overseeing the pink bollworm control program,
        and  seeking financial assistance from States for the witchweed eradica-
        tion  program in North and South Carolina.  We also reviewed the policies
        and  procedures followed by the Management Services Division for Regula-
        tory  and Control Programs in contracting for aerial application of
        pesticides  over pest infested areas.

              Our review indicated a need for corrective action relative to (1)
         the financing of the witchweed eradication program and (2) contracting
         for aerial spray services.  Officials of PPD indicated that corrective
         action will be taken on both of these matters.


              Most PPD plant pest programs are carried out in cooperation with
         affected States and are jointly planned, financed, and executed under
         memorandums of understanding with the States.  Although there is no
         legal requirement for cooperative financing, PPD has a long established
         policy of requiring State and local cooperators to match Federal
         resources to the greatest extent possible in plant pest programs.  In
         the witchweed eradication program, however, the cooperating States have
         made only minimal contributions.

              PPD has expended about $29 million for the witchweed eradication
         program in the States of North and South Carolina since the inception
         of the program in fiscal year 1957 through fiscal year 1970, while the
         two States have spent only about $.7 million.  PPD estimated that it
         would spend $2 million in fiscal year 1971, and the States would spend
         only $54,000.

              In March 1970, the PPD Southern,Regional Supervisor met with
         representatives of the States of North and South Carolina and requested
         increased contributions from the two States for the witchweed program.

                              50TH ANNIVERSARY   1921-1971          .

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