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092709 1 (1969-04-22)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacwov0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                               WASHINGTON, D C  20548


                                                          APR 2 2 1969

      Dear Mr. Lennartson.

           The General Accounting Office has completed a survey of certain
      activities relating to the administrationof  the Delaware Valley Milk
      Marketing Order by the Consumer and Marketing Service, Department of
      Agriculture,  Our survey was primarily directed toward examining into
      the propriety of administrative expenditures and reviewing the extent
      to which the Dairy Division of the Consumer and Marketing Service
      supervised and reviewed the Milk Market Administrator's activities in
      carrying out the provisions of the milk marketing order,  Our survey
      did not include a review of the milk handlers' records because of
      restrictions on the availability of records provided in the Agricultural
      Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, (7 U, S.C. 608d),

           Our survey did not disclose any deficiencies warranting further
      review by this office, however, we noted that the milk market adminis-
      trator purchased an automobile with air-conditioning and other optional
      equipment which cost about $4,000 excluding trade-in value.  The ex-
      tent to which similar procurements may have been made by other milk
      market administrators was not determined during our survey.  Although
      we recognize that milk market administrators do not use appropriated
      funds and are not subject to the $1,500 limitation imposed by 5 U.S.C.
      78a-1 on passenger cars purchased by Federal agencies using appropriated
      funds, we believe that in the interest of economy and uniformity of
      application you should consider imposing a limitation on the amount
      milk market administrators could spend in their procurements of auto-
      mobiles.  We will appreciate your comments as to the action taken on
      this matter.

           We wish to acknowledge the cooperation given to our representa-
      tives during the survey.  Copies of this report are being furnished to
      the Inspector General, Department of Agriculture.

                                          Sincerely yours,

                                            Vlctor L. YLows

                                          Victor L. Lowe
                                          Associate Director

      Mr. Roy W. Lennartson, Administrator
      Consumer and Marketing Service
      Department of Agriculture                                   4     7

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