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092614 1 (1971-06-28)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacwmj0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

         a                     WASHI NGTON, D C 20548

                                                             JUN 28  1971

       Dear Mr. Ambrose:

            We have made a review of the accounting for import duties by
       the Bureau of Customs automated revenue accounting system. We found
       that input data submitted by the port of Baltimore and the New York
       Region and rejected by the computer as erroneous or unacceptable
       was not being corrected promptly.  The rejected data consisted of
       errors in the coding and recording of cash collections and errors
       related to other than cash, referred to by the Bureau as noncollection

            Failure by the regions and ports to promptly correct errors
       in the coding and recording of cash collections results in delays
       in crediting the collection to the proper account or entry transaction.
       Failure to promptly correct either cash collection or noncollection
       items can also result in (1) delays in liquidating an entry and in
       notifying the importer of the liquidation, (2) delays in billing
       the importer for additional duty, (3) delays in making refunds to
       the importer, (4) billing an importer for duties which have been
       paid, and (5) inadequate records of revenue collections for management


            Input data to the automated revenue accounting system on import
       duties is submitted to the Bureau's Data Center in Silver Spring,
       Maryland, by the ports of entry and the regional offices. Input
       data includes information such as (1) entry number, importer number,
       and duty estimated by the importer at the time of entry, (2) cash
       collection of the estimated duty, (3) liquidation of the entry based
       on the Bureau's determination as to the correct amount of duty, and
       (4) subsequent collection of any amounts due.

            As designed, if all the input data is correct, when the Buteau
       determines the actual amount of duty at liquidation, the Data Center
       bills the importer for any amount due, makes a refund for any
       overpayment, or advises the importer or his agent that the estimated

                             50TH  ANNIVERSARY  1921-1971(   94          1

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