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092595 1 (1971-07-30)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacwlv0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

     1CouA                    WASHINGTON,  D C. 2054

CIVIL DIVISION                                             JUL  3 0 1971

         Dear Mr. Maughan'

              The General Accounting Office has examined into selected
         aspects of the Title III Grant Program administered by the Water
         Resources Council (WRC).  Our survey included an examination of
         selected State applications and was performed at the WRC Central
         Office in Washington, D.C.

              Section 301 of the Water Resources Planning Act of 1965 author-
         ized annual appropriations of $5 million to WRC for planning grants
         for fiscal years 1967 through 1976. These funds are to be allotted
         by the WRC as grants to States, on a 50 percent matching basis, to
         assist them in developing and participating in comprehensive water
         and related land resources plans. Since inception of the program in
         fiscal year 1967, through fiscal year 1971, funds amounting to
         $12.5 million have been appropriatti by the Congress to carry out
         the provisions of the grant program.

              The stated purposes of the Title 111 program are to encourage
         (1) State participation in Federal-State comprehensive water and
         related land resources planning, (2) State preparation of plans in
         light of regional and national plans, and (3) State training of per-
         sonnel, where necessary, to develop technical planning capability.

              WRC issued rules and regulations an November 1966 setting forth
         the guidelines that States should follow in making application for
         the Title III funds. The guidelines  stated that non-Federal funds
         eligible for matching Federal funds granted under Title III would be
         limited to the increased expenditures of non-Federal funds above the
         expenditure for the 12-month period ending June 30, 1965--base year
         costs.  The guidelines indicated that once established, the base
         level of expenditures for such period was intended to remain as the
         base for calculating non-Federal funds eligible for matching.

              During 1967, WRC advised the States at the time it conveyed
         approval for their initial application for financial assistance
         under the act that

                   * * * the intent of Title III, also, is to enhance
                   State capability in comprehensive water and related
                   land resources planning. Thus, Federal-or State-
                   matching funds under Title III should not be utilized

                            50TH  ANNIVERSARY   1921-1971
                                                           I oewl

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