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092419 1 (1972-03-03)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacwia0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


            REGIONAL  OFFICE
       ROOM 204, 161 PEACHTREE STREET. N.E.
          ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303

Dr. Eberhard F.M. Rees, Director
George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Huntsville, Alabama  35812

Dear Dr. Rees:

     The General Accounting Office has reviewed selected  administrative
operations and related financial transactions of the George C. Marshall
Space Flight Center   Our review covering the period ended June  30, 1971,
was completed in Fe ruary 1972, and was directed principally  to adminis-
trative procedures and internal controls pertaining to budgetary account-
ing, receipts, disbursements, and related functions.  We also examined
reports prepared during 1971 by the Internal Review Branch of  the Financial
Management Office.  Program operations were not included in  this review.

     We found that, for the most part, the activities reviewed were being
satisfactorily carried out.  We did note certain deficiencies  in the con-
trol over disbursements, and discussed these deficiencies with Financial
Management Office officials.  These officials generally agreed with  our
findings and took or agreed to take corrective action.

     In accordance with 8 GAO 3, the records of  financial transactions
through June 30, 1971, which are no longer needed may be  sent to the
Federal Records Center for storage.

     We wish to acknowledge the cooperation given our  representatives
during this review.

                                         Very  truly yours,

                                           cting Regional Manager


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