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089738 1 (1981-12-11)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacvsz0001 and id is 1 raw text is: V-

                                                                        09fq7-3 1
                              NORFOLK  REGIONAL OFFICE
                                 57 THURSTON AVENUE
                              VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. 23455

                                            Decemberl1. 1981

Tactical Air  Command                                                    089738
Langley Air Force  Base, Virginia 23665

Dear General  Creech:

     During our  review of DOD Aircraft Engine Thrust/Power Management (code
943487), we examined  the operations and maintenance procedures for fuel con-
servation of  the 4th Tactical Fighter Wing, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base.
The results  of our examination are being consolidated with results from other
sites in a separate  report.

     We are writing  to you now because we believe that changing a current
maintenance practice  of the 4th Tactical Fighter Wing-i.e.,  using compressed
air instead of engine, run-up to transfer fuel to test for external tank fuel
leaks-would   result in substantial fuel savings.  This procedural change could
also be applied, to other Tactical Air Command F-4 wings and to other types
of aircraft  operated by TAC.

     When external  centerline fuel tanks are installed on aircraft, maintenance
pesonnel test  for fuel leaks.  The technical order requiring the test permits
using either  an engine run-up or an external compressed-air/nitrogen source
to provide  the pressure for fuel transfer.

     According  to 4th Tactical Fighter Wing maintenance officials, the current
equipment-allowance  list does not include an air compressor of the necessary
size, and  the on-hand nitrogen pack is not used for the transfer and leak
test because  it is not readily accessible.  The officials told us that one
engine on  the aircraft is run up to_85Percent  power for about-15 minutes to
transfer  fuel and make the test.  Each time an engine is run up for this pur-
pose, about  187 gallons of fuel are consumed.  The centerline tanks are rein-
stalled  about 468 times a year in the wing for readiness inspections and
evaluations,  cross-country trips, and electronic countermeasures training.  Our
rough  calculations show that this wing alone could save about 87,750 gallons
of fuel  costing over $100,000 annually by using compressed air for the fuel
transfer  and leak test.  Through discussions with your staff on this fuel-leak'
test  procedure, we understand that the suggested number of compressors needed
would  be one for each squadron at a cost of $7,300 each.

     Maintenance  officials told us that there may be other opportunities for
using  the air compressor to reduce fuel usage.  Specifically mentioned were
other  (1) F-4 wings, (2) types of aircraft, and (3) maintenance procedures
that  require engine run-up.

      Considering the potential savings available through compressed air
procedures,  we recommend that you:

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