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089602 1 (1976-05-07)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacvqt0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 



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         WASHINGTON,   D.C. 20548

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Mr. Julian  R. Dugas
City Administrator
District  of Columbia

Dear Mr.  Dugas:

     The  General Accounting  Office has completed  its review  of activities
in the District's  14th Street  urban renewal  area.  You were  previously
provided  with a copy of  a report summarizing  the results of  our review
which was  issued to the Chairman,  Subcommittee  on the District  of
Columbia,  Senate Appropriations  Committee  at his request.  Copies  were
provided  also to other  interested Congressional  committees,  the Mayor
and City  Council and to  other District officiais.

     The  enclosure to  this letter contains  details of our findings  and
conclusions,  which are being  provided to assist  District officials  in
correcting  the problems we  noted.  Several  recommendations  to the
Mayor, which  were included  in our summary  report have been  re-stated
in  the enclosure.  Our  findings relate primarily  to the:

     --need  to establish  a system that will  quickly identify  buildings
        ready for demolition;

     --slow  progress in  getting new housing  units constructed  and
        existing housing  rehabilitated,

     --lack  of a management  information system  which would control
        properties from  the time they are designated  until  they are
        disposed of and would  keep track of  tenants;

     --need  for further  improvements in property  management  and

     --potential'for  improving  land disposition  activities.

     Our  recommendations  are listed beginning  on Page 1 of  the enclosure
for your  convenience.

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