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089078 1 (1976-12-27)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacvce0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548
                                                  SN REPLY

                                       December 27', 1976

   Mr.  Fred G. Clark
   Assistant  Secretary  for
       Administration  and Management
    Department of Labor                           NEE 1111111111111111111111111111i1
    Dear Mr. Clark:

        We are making  a review of the administration  of the
    Federal Employees'  Compensation Act  (FECA) by the Department's
    Office of Workers'  Compensation Programs  (OWCP).  As part
    of this review, we  have been evaluating  the criteria and
    standards used by  OWCP for awarding  compensation for hearing

        We recognize  that there is an OWCP  Task Force that  is reviewing
    the administration  of the FECA and  that OWCP is considering  the
    possibility of  funding a study of  hearing loss compensation  criteria
    Since any revisions  to the present criteria  that may result
    from such studies  may not take effect  for many months,  we would
    like to bring to  your attention one  feature of the criteria  which
    does not seem to  be supported by the  findings of prior  studies.
    These studies were  made by the American  Academy of Ophthalmology
    and Otolaryngology  (AAOO), the Department  of Health, Education
    and Welfare's National  Institute of  Occupational Safety  and Health
    (NIOSH), and the  National Academy  of Sciences Committee  on Hearing,
    Bioacoustics and  Biomechanics  (CHABA).

        This matter  concerns the OWCP method  of deductinq a
    fence from each  of the measured  frequencies instead of
    the AAOO, NIOSH and  CHABA accepted method  of deducting  a fence
    from the average  of the measured frequencies.   If our review
    of a sample of 100  compensated hearing  loss cases filed  between
    calendar year 1970  and 1976 is representative  of the 11,000
    hearing loss cases  in the backlog,  the differences in these  two
    methods could potentially  represent  an average of about  $1,900
    more per applicable  case by using  the OWCP method, or a
    potential $9 million.

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