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089047 1 (1976-09-17)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacvbf0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                              WASHINGTON,  D.C. 20548

GENERAL GOVNENTSEP                                      7

     Mr. Julian R. Dugas                                      LM089047
     CitVAdministrator                   AVL
     District of Columbia Government   '
     Washington, D.C.  2000N

     Dear Mr. Dugas:

     Q_  On August 13, 1976, we wrote to you concerning the acquisition and
     use of two ambulances acquired under a Dcpartment of Health, Education
     and Welfare grant.  We requested your assistance, within at leLst 30
     days, in further reviewing this matter.

          Your aide, on September 16, 1976, transmitted to me a memorandum
 O lo from tne Director, Department of Human Resources (DHL) to you, request-
      ing extension to September 30, 1976, for formally responding to our
      letter, Becauop of the reporting deidline of September 21, 1976, imposed
      on us, we must issue the report without such response.

          We believe that the matters included in our letter to you and
      reiterated in this report should be dealt with so -hat expensive idle
      medical equipment can be placed into service. You may wish to include
      your comments on qur August 13, 1976, letter with your comments on this

          We have been studying the District's motor vehiclh management
      activities to Jetermine how effectively and econoically the city acquires
      and maintains its vehicles. During our study, which is not yet complete,
      we noted that in June 1974 DAR acquired two ambulances for use in iLs
      maternity-iufant rare project. They were received in April and May of
      1975 respectively but, accordiig to project staff and the mileage on
      the vehicles' odomcoters, they have been used vfry little. The anbulances
      have been parked on the D.C. General Hospital parking Lot. On July 20,
      1976, one awbulance's odometer showed 191 miles and the other 121 miles.
      On August 4, 1976, the ambulances were taken to a District maintenance
      facility for repairs which includel new mirrors and lights. On September 2,
      1976, the ambulances were parked oi another D.C. General Hofpital parking
      lot and one ambulance's odometer showed 200 miles and the other 145 miles.

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