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089023 1 (1976-07-12)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacvam0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                          WASHINGTON, D C 20548

HUMAN RESOURCES                                                     o

     The Honorable Terrel H. Bell
     Commissioner of Education
     Office of Education
     Department of Health, Education,
       and Welfare

     Dear Dr. Bell

          We have recently completed fieldwork on  our review of
     the Office of Education's Basic Educational Opportunity
     Grant (Basic Grant) program authorized by  the Higher Educa-
     tion Act of 1965, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1070a)    Our qoal
     was to determine how well the program is meeting  its legis-
     lative objectives and how well the Office of  Education and
     participating institutions are administering  it.  We reviewed
     the administration of the program at selected  postsecondary
     institutions, including Allstate Business  College.

          Allstate Business College, a proprietary  school in
     Dallas, Texas, is accredited by the Association  of Independ-
   / ent Schools and Colleges and offers 12 courses  leading to a
     certificate in ousiness administration, accounting,  or secre-
     tarial science.  During the 1974-75 program year,  246 of 540
     students enrolled on a full-time basis at Allstate  received
     Basic Grants of about $165,400.  Allstate  reported other stu-
     dent aid disbursements of $462,100 including

          --$331,100 in National Direct Student  Loars;

          --$89,200 in College Work-Study, and

          --$41,800 in Supplemental Educational Opportunity

          At all of the schools we visited we  reviewed the files
     of selected students receiving Basic Grants.   At Allstate
     we randomly selected and reviewed the  files of 32 of the
     246 recipients for 1974-75.  We also  reviewed and discussed
     with appropriate officials Allstate's procedures  for packag-
     ing student aid and its grant calculation  and refund proce-

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