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088942 1 (1970-06-16)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacuxf0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                          DALLAS REGIONAL  OFFICE
                          ROOM 300. 1512 COMMERCE STREET
                             DALLAS, TEXAS 75201
                               June 16, 1970

Mr. Louis S. Lyon, Regional Director
U. S. Civil Service Commission
1114 Commerce Street                                               LM088942
Dallas, Texas  75201

Dear Mr. Lyon:

    We have made a review for the settlement of the accounts of accountable
officers of the Dallas Region, United States Civil Service Commission  (CSC),
Dallas, Texas, through June 30, 1969.  Our review was made pursuant  to the
Budget and Accounting Act, 1921 (31 U.S.C. 53), and the Accounting  and
Auditing Act of 1950 (31 U.S.C. 67).

    Our review, completed in March 1970, was directed primarily toward
evaluating current administrative procedures and  internal controls related
to receipts and disbursements, including payrolls, and included such  tests
of financial transactions as we considered appropriate.  We also reviewed
the report and workpapers on the audit by the CSC Office of Management
Analysis and Audits of fiscal transactions and related procedures and
controls of the Dallas Regional Office for the period of February  1968
to April 1969.  Program operations were not included  in our review.

    The administrative procedures and internal controls of most  areas
reviewed generally appeared adequate.  We found, however, that the pro-
cedures and controls relating to certain types of payments to employees
were in need of improvement.  These matters were discussed with you  and
members of your staff and in most instances satisfactory corrective  action
either was taken or promised.  Our findings are summarized below  for your
information and for any additional comments and follow-up action you  deem

Payments to employees for travel and moving expenses

    1.  The values of transportation requests used by employees  for house
hunting trips had not been reported as taxable wages, nor had Federal  in-
come taxes been withheld on such wages, due to a misinterpretation of
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations and CSC instructions.

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