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GGD-78-77 1 (1978-05-15)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacsjz0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


                         DOCURENT RESUME

05931 - [B1446499]  (Restricted)

[Analysis of the University of the District cf Columbia's
Consolidated Raster Plan Development]. GGD-78-77; 9-118638. fay
1S, 1978. 3 pp. + 2 enclosures  (26 pp.).

Report to Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, Chairman, Senate Committee on
Appropriations: District of Columbia Subcommittee; by Robert F.
Keller, Acting Comptroller General.

Issue Area: Facilities and Material Management: New Versus
    Existing Federal Facilities  (705).
Contact: General Government Div.
Budget Function: Bevenue Sharing and General Purpose Fiscal
    Assistance: Other General Purpose Fiscal Assistance  (852).
Organization Concerned: District of Columbia; University of the
    District of Columbia.
Congressional Relevance: Senate Committee on appropriations:
    District of Columbia Subcommittee. Sen. Patrick J. Leahy.

         Representatives of the University cf the District of
Columbia are convinced of the necessity for two campuses because
further expansion is not practical at the Van Wess campus. They
also asserted that it is essential for students attending the
Colleges of Liberal and Fine Arts and Business and Public
Management to have access to cultural resources, government
agencies, and the business community in the downtown area.
Greater emphasis will be placed on the graduate program, and
officials felt that, with increased effort and new programs, a
higher percentage of graduate students will be achieved.
Preliminary results of a telephone survey were used to
demonstrate that there is a sizable number of potential new
enrollees in the city, and it was estimated that the university
could attain an enrollment ranging from 12,000 to 22,000
full-time equivalent students. Since uncertainty exists
regarding future enrollmeats, further facility development
activity should be deferred pendiag completion of the
universityls master plan and reevaluation of its enrollment
prospects. In prepariLng its master plan, the university should
demonstrate that its proposed construction program cannot be
modified to include renovation of existing owned facilities and
provide for construction of new facilities at the Bount Veron
Square campus tailored to meet enrollment requirements not met
by the Van Ness campus or existing facilities. (iRS)

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