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AIMD-95-213R 1 (1995-08-04)

handle is hein.gao/gaobackxb0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

GAO              United States
                 General Accounting Office
                 Washington, D.C. 20548

                 Accounting and Information
                 Management Division


                 August 4, 1995

                 The Honorable J. Brian Atwood
                 Administrator, Agency for
                   International Development

                 Dear Mr. Atwood:

                 On August 2, 1995, we discussed the results of our work on the Agency for
                 International Development's (AID) planning for information resources with members
                 of your senior staff. We conducted this work as a follow-up assessment to our
                 general management review which identified serious problems in AID's management
                 of information resources and accounting systems.'

                 As discussed with your staff, AID's most recent Information Resources Management
                 (IRM) plan is a step in the right direction to correct weaknesses in IRM planning.
                 However, we believe that continued management emphasis is needed to fully address
                 three key weaknesses that exist in AID's current IRM planning, as disclosed by our
                 follow-up work.

                 (1) AID's automated information resources planning is not adequately coordinated.
                     Various entities--including the Office of Information Resources Management
                     (OIRM), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and individual bureaus and overseas
                     offices--all independently plan and develop information systems. For example,
                     the CFO is developing AID's major new system--the AID Worldwide Accounting
                     and Control System (AWACS) which is to replace AID's existing financial
                     management systems. At the same time, OIRM is continuing to maintain and, in
                     some cases, upgrade the systems that are scheduled to be subsumed by AWACS.

                     'Information Resources Management: Initial Steps Taken But More Improvements
                     Needed in AID's IRM Program (GAO/iMTEC-92-64, September 29, 1992) and
                     Financial Management: Inadequate Accounting and System Project Controls at
                     AID (GAO/AFMD-93-19, May 24, 1993).

                                                         GAO/AIMD-95-213R AID IRM Planning

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