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AIMD-95-91R 1 (1995-02-21)

handle is hein.gao/gaobacktg0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

r1AO         United States
             General Accounting Office
             Washington, D.C. 20548

             Accounting and Information
             Management Division


             February 21, 1995

             The Honorable John A. Koskinen
             Deputy Director for Management
             Office of Management and Budget

             Dear Mr. Koskinen:

             This letter is in response to a December 19, 1994, request
             for comments on the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB)
             proposed criteria and the tentative designation of agency
             components that should submit separate audited financial
             statements beginning with fiscal year 1996. We support the
             overall thrust of OMB's proposed guidance, but we believe
             that the criteria should be strengthened to direct that
             agency components be designated in a manner consistent with
             agency management operations and responsibilities.
             Consistent with this change in criteria would be the
             addition of the Army, Navy, and Air Force components of the
             Defense Business Operations Fund (the Fund) to the final
             list of organizations required to submit audited financial

             OMB's proposed guidance, if it incorporates our suggested
             modifications, would go a long way toward ensuring that
             appropriate military service support components are
             identified for financial statement preparation and audit.
             As we have discussed with OMB staff, we are very concerned
             about the Department of Defense's (DOD) plans to abandon
             its current approach of having audited financial statements
             for the military services' support organizations that the
             Fund finances. In our view, this planned approach is
             clearly inconsistent with (1) DOD and congressional views
             on the Fund's operational and financial management
             alignment and (2) the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory
             Board's (FASAB) proposed recommendation setting out
             criteria to be used in defining entities that should submit
             audited financial statements. Further, we believe that
             this change to DOD's audit approach would greatly diminish
             the potential value of the audits in improving financial
             management within DOD.

                             GAO/AIMD-95-91R Agency Component Criteria

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