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B-204733 1 (1982-03-17)

handle is hein.gao/gaobachkt0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                           WASMINGTON' D C 254

B-204733                               Mrch 17, 1982

The Honorable Jack Brooks
Chairman, Committee on
  Government Operations
Rouse of Representatives

Dear Mr. Chairman:

     On November 13, 1981, you asked for our comments on
H.R. 4895, an amendment to the Federal Property and Admin-
istrative Services Act of 1949. The amendment would require
the Federal Government to pay interest on late payments to
small business concerns. It would also provide for congres-
sional oversight of the interest payments to small businesses
and enforcement of mandatory payments within the 6 month period
after completion of the contracts.

     Subsequently, on January 4, 1982, you asked for our comments
on a similar bill, S. 1131, cited as the Delinquent Payments Act
of 1981. This bill would also require the Federal Government to
pay interest on overdue payments and to take early payment dis-
counts only when timely payment is made, and would provide for
congressional oversight of Federal bill payment performance.

     Almost 4 years ago we reviewed the Federal Government's bill
payment perform.ance   Companies had complained that Federal agen-
cies were slow in paying their bills. In February 1978 we re-
ported our findings: The Federal Government's Bill Payment
Performance Is Good But Should Be Better (FGtOSD-78-16). We also
testified in July 1977 before the Senate Select Comittee on Small
Business on the problems of late payments by Federal agencies.

     We found that although the Government's bill payment per-
formance was more often good than bad, lengthy delays did occur
and many contractors believed they were not paid soon enough. We
also found th.'t early bill payment was a problem that was costing
the Government unnecessary interest and causing some contractors
to stop offering discounts. As we pointed out, it is costly to
both the Government and private contractors when Federal agencies
do not pay their bills when due. Costs to the Government for
early payments and costs to contractors for late payments may
amount to hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

     Payment delays occurred for several reasons, but at least two
were clearly the Government's responsibility. First, all the

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