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GAO-11-948R 1 (2011-09-20)

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           Acona ity * Integrity * Reliability
United States Government Accountability Office
Washington, DC 20548

           September 20, 2011

           Congressional Addressees

           Subject: Afghanistan's Donor Dependence

           The United States has allocated over $72 billion to secure, stabilize, and rebuild
           Afghanistan since 2002, and the President requested over $18 billion for these
           purposes for fiscal year 2012. GAO has on numerous occasions raised doubts
           about the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan's (GIRoA) ability to
           fund its public expenditures-funds spent to provide public services to the Afghan
           population, such as security, infrastructure projects, and government salaries. In
           2005, we reported that Afghanistan had limited resources and recommended that
           the Secretaries of State and Defense develop plans for funding the Afghan national
           security forces (ANSF).1 In 2007 and 2008, we reported that it was essential to
           develop future funding requirements for the ANSF and a strategy for transitioning
           these responsibilities to GIRoA.2 In 2008, Congress also mandated that the
           Department of Defense provide a long-term plan for sustaining the ANSF, including
           future funding requirements. The Department of Defense, however, has yet to
           provide the Congress an estimate of the cost to sustain the Afghanistan National
           Security Forces. In 2011, we again recommended that the U.S. and international
           partners develop estimates of the future funding needed to grow the Afghan National
           Army.4 We have also raised concerns about Afghanistan's inability to fund planned
           government expenditures without foreign assistance and raised questions about the
           sustainability of U.S.-funded efforts to build and enhance Afghanistan's road,

           1GAO, Afghanistan Security: Efforts to Establish Police and Army Have Made Progress, but Future Plans Need
           to be Better Defined, GAO-05-575 (Washington, DC: June 30, 2005).
           2GAO, Securing, Stabilizing, and Reconstructing Afghanistan: Key Issues for Congressional Oversight,
           GAO-07-801 SP (Washington, DC: May 24, 2007); Afghanistan Security: Further Congressional Action May Be
           Needed to Ensure Completion of a Detailed Plan to Develop and Sustain Capable Afghan National Security
           Forces, GAO-08-661 (Washington, D.C.: June 18, 2008); Afghanistan, Key Issues for Congressional Oversight,
           GAO-09-473SP (Washington, D.C.: April 21, 2009).
           3According to the Department of Defense, it is currently working with the Afghan Ministries of Defense and
           Interior to develop cost-effective and requirement-based estimates for future Afghanistan National Security
           Forces (ANSF) sustainment costs.
           4GAO, Afghanistan Security: Afghan Army Growing, but Additional Trainers Needed; Long-term Costs Not
           Determined, GAO-11-66 (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 27, 2011).

GAO-11-948R Afghanistan's Donor Dependence

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