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RCED-85-35 1 (1984-11-05)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabnns0001 and id is 1 raw text is:                                                                       Ij    6

                              WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548

                                        November 5, 1984
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       B-21 6768

       The Honorable James H. Weaver
       Chairman, Subcommittee on Mining, Forest
         Manaqement, and Bonneville Power                       125626
         Administrat ion
       Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs
       House of Representatives

       Dear Mr. Chairman:

            Subject: Adequacy of Geologic Data for Proposed Coal Lease
                      Tracts in Central Utah and Western Colorado

            In a June q, 1983, letter you requested our evaluation of two
       issues relating to the Department of the Interior's management of
       its federal coal leasing program: (1) adequacy of geologic data
       on coal reserves contained in tracts that were proposed for coal
       lease sales in the San Juan Basin and Uinta federal coal reqions
       and (2) the Bureau of Land Manaqement's (Bureau's) decisions
       relating to the Duck Nest coal lease exchange. As you know, the
       Department, in late 1983, postponed the leasing of the San Juan
       tracts and we provided a briefing to your office on the qeologic
       data issues affecting these tracts. Concerning the Duck Nest coal
       lease exchange, we are developing a report which we will provide
       to you in the near future.

            This report responds to that segment of your letter request-
       inq that we determine the adequacy of data on coal reserves con-
       tained in tracts being considered for leasing in the Uinta federal
       coal reqion, which covers central Utah and western Colorado. As
       requested, we reviewed the impact proqrammatic changes made in
       19R1 had on the adequacy of and timely access to qeoloqic data
       developed by or made available to Department of the Interior qeol-
       oqists for delineatinq1 and valuinq Tlinta lease tracts. These

       1Tract delineation is the process of determininq the location of
       tract boundary lines for deposits of coal reserves. The deter-
       mination is made by a team of Interior Department geologists,
       mining engineers, land use planners, and other specialists on the
       basis of technical coal data, conservation of coal and other
       natural resources, land ownership patterns, and coal industry
       expressions of interest in developing those lands.


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