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RCED-83-35 1 (1982-10-15)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabmsa0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548

                                       October 15, 1982
oovv,,,ow                                       RELE0 A ASED
     B20948 VOREISTRICTED - Not to be relfAsed cLfld the Oeneral
     B-209428        AesOntigg Office excct on the basis of specific approval
                     OY Via Office of Congrass~ouiai Rlatiot$
     The Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes
     United States Senate

     Dear Senator Sarbanes:                                      119979

          Subject: Amtrak Charges for Maryland Department of
                     Transportation Commuter Train Use of the
                     Washington Union Station (GAO/RCED-83-35)

           In your July 16, 1982, letter, you asked us to analyze the
     charges the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) is
     assessing for the use of the Washington Union Station terminal
     by Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) commuter trains.
     You asked for this analysis in view of a recent Interstate
     Commerce Commission (ICC) Decision Ex Parte No. 417 (Sub. 1),
     January 22, 1982, on Costing Methodologies for Northeast Cor-
     ridor Commuter Services. You expressed concern that Amtrak may
     be charging costs to MDOT under the fully allocated 1/ cost
     principle instead of avoidable costs 2/ as ICC has required of
     Amtrak for other commuter facilities on the Northeast Corridor.
     You also asked us to analyze the costs Amtrak assesses MDOT for
     using the terminal to determine whether the costs are too high
     in light of ICC's ruling.

          We briefed your staff on September 10, 1982. We reported
      that ICC Decision Ex Parte No. 417 (Sub. 1) provides that costs
      for Northeast Corridor use by commuter trains are to be allocated
      on an avoidable cost basis, instead of on a fully allocated cost
      basis. The Director of ICC's Rail Service Planning Office told
      us that ICC's decision applies to the allocation of Union Station
      costs between Amtrak and MDOT commuter trains and that Union
      Station is considered part of the Northeast Corridor.

      .1/A principle of cost allocation that assumes that all costs in-
        curred in operating the terminal are to be considered, and that
        reimbursement to Amtrak for commuter train use of the terminal
        should be based on a percentage of actual use of the terminal
        by Amtrak and the commuter trains.

     2/A principle of cost allocation that requires that only the
        additional costs incurred by Amtrak to accommodate the commuter
        trains are to be reimbursed to Amtrak.


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