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B-164031(1) 1 (1973-03-19)

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                           WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548
                      RELEASED                  MAR 191973

   B-164031 (1)

   The Honorable M. Gene Snyder
L  House of Representatives

K Dear Mr. Snyder:

        In response to your request of December 1, 1972, we
   obtained information on the charge made by Dr. Tom L. Gabbard,
   Superintendent, Newport City Schools, Kentucky, in his Novem-
   ber 20, 1972, letter to you. Dr. Gabbard stated that the
   /Kentuk  Dh~~t~mn or i,,Education-violates .the _Kentucky ,St ate
          Pn~fr.Vo~ai~na~Eucti~nand Fede.ral., xeagulat-ins_,on_,to -
   cAZt.--euc=etion because it will not fund the Newport Board
a of Education's application for a locally operated area
   vocational education center.
        We discussed the matter with Dr. Gabbard and with
   officials of the Office of Education (OE), Department of
   Health, Education, and Welfare, and the Kentucky Department of
   Education. OE and Kentucky Department of Education officials
   said that State law regulates the way area vocational schools
   are operated. Kentucky has both State operated and locally
   operated vocational schools. OE officials stated that the
   arrangements for operating area vocational schools must be
   worked out between the State and the local communities
        The Newport Board of Education submitted an application
   in March 1970 to construct an area vocational school in
   Newport to be financed by Federal, State, and local funds.
   The totally new facility was to meet the vocational, indus-
   trial, technical, and academic needs of students from the
   Newport Independent School District. Students from other
   school districts in the area--Bellevue, Dayton, Fort Thomas,
   Silver Grove--could attend the vocational, industrial, and
   technical courses.
        The State Board of Education commended the Newport Board
   of Education's proposal. In April 1971 the State Board of
   Education approved Newport's application, but as a State o-
   erated extension center at Newport High School. Dr. Gabbard
   opposes the State Board of Education decision and believes
   that the Newport Independent School District should operate
   the proposed facility.


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