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B-114865 1 (1974-05-30)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabkwe0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 
               , ESTRICTF   -     to in 77, ,4.-d 0uside the General B2
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                              WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548
      B-114865                  RELEASED 0 9 0 -      5

                       VMAY 30 1974

/     The Honorable W. Pat Jennings
      Clerk of the House
        of Representatives      6  53

      Dear Mr. Jennings:

           We reviewed the activities of the Office Equipment Service (OES)
      of the House of Representatives for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1973,
      pursuant to your request dated June 14, 1973.


           The act of December 5, 1969 (2 U. S. C. 112e), effective January 1,
      1970, directs the Clerk of the House to furnish electrical and mechani-
      cal office equipment to the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico
      and to Members, officers, and committees of the House of Representa-
      tives, in accordance with the limitations and regulations prescribed by
 CI   the Committee on House Administration. The regulations provide that
 -/ the depreciated value of electrical and mechanical office equipment
      furnished and charged to the account of each Member and to the Com-
      missioner from Puerto Rico not exceed $5, 500.

           Public Law 91-405, approved September 22, 1970, extended these
      provisions to the Delegate to the House of Representatives from the
      District of Columbia.

           On June 1, 1971, the Committee onHouse Administration prescribed
      regulations authorizing an office-equipment-leasing allowance of $350 a
      month for each Member, the Resident Commissioner, and the D. C.
      Delegate. This allowance is for leasing automatic typewriters, photo-
      copying equipment, facsimile units, and signature machines. The Com-
      mittee has directed the Clerk to lease the equipment for the use of
      officers of the House of Representatives.

           Public Law 92-271, approved April 10, 1972, extended these provi-
      sions to the Delegates to the House of Representatives from Guam and
      the Virgin Islands.

           On April 17, 1973, the Committee on House Administration amended
      the equipment regulations to permit a Member to forego $250 per month
      of his clerk hire allowance for the leasing of additional equipment. Upon
      written request to the Committee, a Member, the Resident Commissioner
      from Puerto Rico, or a Delegate to the House of Representatives may
      allocate a portion of his unused clerk hire allowance for the leasing of
      additional equipment.

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