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B-168352 1 (1970-04-03)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabksq0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

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                                WASHINGTON, D C 20548

       B-168352                                             APR   3 1970

       Dear Mr. Teague:

            Reference is made to your letter dated October 30, 1969,
       bringing to our attention certain statements by Mr. Norman L. Heikes
       regarding irregularities in the leasing by the General Services
       Administration (GSA) of office space in Goleta, California, for the
       Forest Service and your letter dated February 5, 1970, transmitting
       a series of articles on the subject as they appeared in the
       Santa Barbara News-Press.

            We reviewed records of GSA and the Forest Service pertaining to
       leasing the space and GSA's record of investigation of Mr. Heikes'
       statements. We also inspected the building which was constructed to
       provide the leased space. Discussions were held with Mr. Heikes,
       GSA and Forest Service representatives the lessor, other offerors
       or their agents, and Santa Barbara County engineers.

            Mr. Heikes, a Forest Service employee, presented his statements
       in a letter to the Forest Service in October 1968. The letter con-
       tained the following summary views.

            W***Briefly, I would summarize my position as a belief
            that there has been a very serious fiscal irregularity
            committed with respect to the negotiations for, and sub-
            sequent acquisition of, the new Forest Service building
            located at 42 Aero Camino in Goleta, California.,1

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            ',**there would appear to be no other conclusion possible
            than that the successful bidder apparently knew something
            that the others did not, or was accorded some special

            Our review did not disclose evidence of fiscal irregularity or
       collusion in connection with the leasing. However, the lessor did
       not comply fully with the lease provisions relating to construction
       of the building and there were weaknesses in administration of the
       lease. The construction deficiencies have now been corrected and
       precautions have been taken that should avoid recurrence of the
       administrative weaknesses.

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