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B-172602 1 (1971-11-22)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabkke0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 
                  RESTRICTED   N ot ti be fteo d  Wra's the General

   pLEA           q 1~y the efia f Congre.io i
                             WASHINGTON ..
              RELEASED                        -        -

    B-172602                                       INOV 22 97

(i  Dear Mr. Brown:

         On March 26, 1971, you requested that the General Ac-
    counting Office offer advice and comment on a complaint by
    Captain Gary M. Johnson against the Aerospace Research Lab-
    oratories (ARL), Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.  '
  0 Captain Johnson's allegations relate to contracts with Sys-
     tems Research Laboratories, Inc., of Dayton, Ohio, for per-
     forming recsegh tasks for the Ener etics Research Laboratory
     (the name was changed to the EnergyIConversion Laboratory in
     December 1970) of ARL.          -pl-67

          Captain Johnson's original allegations pertained to a
     contract now terminated which were found by the Air Force
     Systems Command Inspector General in December 1970 to be
     essentially valid. As a result the Commander, ARL, was di-
     rected to review, correct, and improve his contractual prac-
     tices and relationships. We did not reexamine these allega-
     tions. We concentrated our examination on the practices and
     procedures in effect under the current contract to identify
     any corrective actions.

          Captain Johnson, in his letter to you, contended that
    ARL was using a contract awarded for independent research to
    obtain the services of technicians, draftsmen, and other
    skilled employees. Captain Johnson also stated that, to pre-
    sent the appearance of conducting independent research, the
    contractor routinely reported the results of research con-
    ducted by Government personnel as its own. We are unable to
    respond to the second statement because we found that a fi-
    nal report under the contract is not due until 1973 and that
    no interim technical reports are required.

          In considering the validity of the allegations, we in-
     terviewed Captain Johnson, Air Force personnel of the Ener-
     getics Research Laboratory, Air Force procurement and legal
     personnel, and personnel of Systems Research Laboratories,
     Inc. We also examined the contract files and other related
     documents, including information furnished by the Air Force
     Systems Command Inspector General relating to his review.

                        50TTH ANNIVERSARY 1921-1971

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