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B-173240 1 (1973-02-16)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabkij0001 and id is 1 raw text is:                              -  ot to be re leasea Qu ::ae *
Accounting Office except on the basis of specifc              V
               by the Office of Congressional Relations, a recordW ,hichf  4h7 1
 &Is kept by the Distribution Uction, PublcatsA r.neh, OAS
     0COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITER                                  q
                                WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548                        _

                                                                 73 1   1973

                                    L 089193

       Dear Mr. Chairman:

            This letter provides information on the Agency for International
       Development's (AID's) dola     iat~o s , r poo~.tiond~aiily
       ngsstancerogrst quarter of fscalyar


            This information was requested in the Senate Committee on
       Appropriations September 27, 1972, report entitled Foreign Assistance
       and Related Programs Appropriation Bill, 1972 and in our discussions
       with your Subcommittee's office. The Committee directed that excess
       foreign currencies be used to the maximum extent they are available to
       carry out U.S. programs to reduce population pressures,

            Our letters to the Subcommittee, dated April 21, May 26, and
       October 13, 1972, provided information on AID's dollar obligations
       during fiscal year 1972 for its population assistance programs in
       excess currency countries. As we believe our reports may now have
       fulfilled the Subcommittee's needs, we plan no further reporting on
       this matter unless requested to do so.

            As in our previous reviews, we tried to ascertain, at AID's
       headquarters in Washington, D.C., if AID obligated dollars to finance
       population programs when U.S.-owned excess currencies could have been
       used. In accordance with the wishes of your Subcommittee's office,
       we have not obtained AID's comments on this letter.


            AID obligated $19.5 million for population and family planning
        assistance programs--$210,000 for AID Mission programs in excess-
        currency countries, $7.6 million for interregional programs not iden-
        tified with specific countries, and $11.7 million for programs in
        nonexcess currency countries.


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