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B-200555 1 (1981-01-26)

handle is hein.gao/gaobabjdj0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

• : . . 1 .
   *                             WASHINGTON D.C. 20548

                                        January 26, 1981
                                                 A.                            .

   The Honorable Jesse Helms
   Committee on Agriculture,                                       ...:
     Nutrition, and Forestry
   United States Senate

   Dear Mr. Chairman:

        On October 30, 1980, your staff verbally requested that
   we provide information to supplement our October 9, 1980,
   letter to you. That letter responded to your request for
   us to review certain changes in accounting procedures used by
   the Department of Agriculture's -Food and Nutrition Service
   for the Child Nutrition Programs. The specific questions
   raised and our responses follow.

        Question 1. Will the shortfall in the Child Nutrition
   Programs for fiscal year 1980 be greater than the $243 million
   that was transferred to the Food Stamp Program, as permitted
   by the Supplemental Appropriations and Rescission Act, 1980?

        At the time of our October 9, 1980, letter the Food and
   Nutrition Service advised that, if all meals served in fiscal
   year 1980 are to be paid from fiscal year 1980 funds, about
   $243 million in additional funds would be needed. This potential
   shortfall was anticipated because of the $243 million transfer
   of funds from the Child Nutrition Programs to the Food Stamp
   Program which was permitted by the Supplemental Appropriations
   and Rescission Act, 1980.

        On the basis of current data provided to us by the Food
   and Nutrition Service, the shortfall in the Child Nutrition
   Programs for fiscal year 1980 is now estimated to be $204
   million. The actual amount of the shortfall will not be known
   until March 1981 because the Food and Nutrition Service regula-
   tions allow claims to be reported by schools to State agencies
   until December 31 and States to submit final reports to the Food
   and Nutrition Service by March 1.

         Because of the delay in claims submission, we have no
   reasonable basis upon which to dispute the accuracy of the pro-
   jected $204 million shortfall. Likewise, there is no current
   basis for us to independently determine the amount of the
   eventual shortfall.


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